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iPhone 7 Plus Thoughts/Review 💭📱

Hello everyone! This week I thought I'd do a thoughts or review on my iPhone 7 Plus! I know the iPhone 7 has been out for a while, but I thought I could do a full review after using it for a while! I hope you enjoy! 📱

Out of all of the iPhones I've ever had or used this is my favorite one. First of all the size is great. A lot of people are scared to move to such a large phone, because they are afraid it won't fit in their pocket or it won't fit in their hand, but at this point I feel I could never go back to a smaller phone. Such a big screen is so nice and everything is so much easier to see. It also fits in all of my pockets and it fits well in my hand, also the double tap on my home button makes it easy to reach the top of phone if I can't for some reason adjust my phone. Whenever I grab a friend's phone and they have a smaller phone, at this point I actually feel like I'm holding nothing, so I also do like how much more the bigger iPhone is weighted. At this point I don't even know how I was so used to having such a small phone before this phone.

I also really enjoy the new camera on the iPhone 7 Plus. The quality of both the regular and front facing camera is amazing, it's not perfect, but it's pretty good for a phone! When using and looking at other phones I really haven't found many other phones with better cameras. And the new portrait mode is fantastic, being able to easily blur out the background and just focus on the subject looks amazing. Also the new camera has a 2x optical zoom, where all previous iPhones have only digital zoom, so you can zoom into 2x and not have any pixelation. So, the new iPhone cameras really did impress me. With the iPhone 7 Plus you also get two cameras on the back one being the normal wide angle and the other being telephoto, giving better quality photos while using the zoom options. Lastly, the I know the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus had live photos, but coming from having the iPhone 6, this option is incredible. 

Although sometimes not having a 3.5mm jack for the EarPods or headphones is annoying, after having the iPhone for about a week I was used to it and having to use a dongle isn't too bothersome! Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed my review blog post about my iPhone 7 Plus! 📱

Ryan xx

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