Spring has finally arrived! The birds are chirping and the flowers have started to bloom. Where I am from the days are still quite chilly, but the warm sun is finally out with few clouds in the sky.
I wanted to write a post about how excited I am from Spring, the warmer weather, the snow melting, and the grounds turn to a beautiful shade of green. I was inspired by @SimplyLauren_E (her Twitter) who is another blogger who makes such beautiful post about travel, books, lifestyle, and her last post was a quick post about spring, that I really enjoyed.
I am hoping that this summer I will be able to travel, and visit more, new places I have never been or seen before. I am also excited for Spring, because my birthday is at the end of it! It will be so nice to spend more time outside and I think I am most excited for the ice cream stands to open back up!
Hope everyone has an amazing Spring 2016!
Ryan xx
(Lauren's Blog simplylaurenelizabeth.blogspot.co.uk)
Eee thank you so much! I didn't realise you had a blog, I will definitely be giving it a little follow! Have an amazing spring!