Hello everyone and happy 2017! I hope y'all are having a great winter (or summer depending on where you live!) so far! I just wanted to write a quick blog post about my school semester thoughts and how it all went! I hope you all had a great semester, if you are still in school or are having a good semester if it isn't over yet! But, I recently finished my first semester of my sophomore year of college and I wanted to give an update about how it went and what I'm hoping for the next semester!
To my enjoyment this was my best semester of college yet! My grades were great, I really did enjoy most of my classes I took and they were all quite difficult, so doing well in them gives me hope I'm on the right path! The classes I took were in biology, organic chemistry, which included a lab, calculus and a religion class, to fulfill my LSE or liberal studies education requirements. My favorite classes were probably my organic chemistry and my biology class which most sparked my interest. Also I'm not sure if I've mentioned this yet, but I am a biology major!
Next semester I'm hoping to do just as well if not better and I want to really put more effort into all my classes and school work in general. I really put the most work into my classes I ever have this past semester, but towards the end of the year I started slaking off. So, this next semester I want to find ways to really keep me engaged, interested and focused on my work/studies!
Well if you got this far I hope you enjoyed my little life update and I hope you all had a great 2016! Thanks for reading,
Ryan xx
Check out my social medias below:
Twitter: twitter.com/ryanlackey72
Instagram: instragram.com/ryanlackey72
Tumblr: ryanlackey72.tumblr.com
Blog: ryanlackey72.blogspot.com
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