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Q & A with Kya!

Here is a new blog post where Kya ( asked me questions and I answered them! Go check out her blog too, because I asked her question and she answered them there! Hope you enjoy! 

Kya: Why are you such a flop? I'm joking. How are you? How's life treating you?

My answer: Omg typical Kya, what a flop. ;) I have been doing great! I can't wait for my classes to end and summer to really start, but I'm doing great! 


Kya: What are your three favorite things to do in your room and why?

My answer: My favorite thing to do in my room is lay in my bed, snuggle up in the blankets and binge watch YouTube videos! Second, would be sitting down on my bed with a good book and read from anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. Anymore than an hour and I feel like you really stop focusing as much and you don't enjoy the book as much! (Now I'm not saying you can't do this multiple times a day, but not more than an hour in one sitting) Third would be sleeping, because I'm forever tired! hahaha


Kya: What is your favourite TV show?

My answer: My favorite "newer" TV show is Grey's Anatomy! But, my favorite old TV show is  Sabrina the Teenage Witch! Both amazing shows, but different in many ways! I don't watch TV often, but these are/have been my favorite shows to watch!


Kya: What is your favourite quote and what does it mean to you?

My answer“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” - Joan Powers (Winnie the Pooh) Three words, caring, adorable, loving. 


Kya: Why did you start blogging?

My answer: I started blogging, because I wanted to write about exciting things that happen in my life or to my life. This way I can look back and have clear memories from that time, or what was happening in my life during that time. I can also look back to see what I was interested in and what my favorite things were!
Hope you liked my new post! Thanks for reading and thanks for the questions Kya!

Ryan xx


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