Hello everyone! As you might or might not know, I love to do a countdowns of my favorite videos from my favorite YouTubers, and today I wanted to do a countdown of my favorite top 10 iJustine videos! Justine Ezarik is one of my favorite YouTubers and I really enjoy every video she posts! I have also been watching Justine's videos for a very long time, somewhere around six to seven years, so I thought it would be perfect to write blog post about my favorite videos she's created! If you don't know who Justine please go and check out her videos all linked below! For a little bit of background about Justine, her full name is Justine Ezarik (yes, Justine has no middle name) born on March 20, 1984 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Justine now has been on YouTube for over ten years and has accumulated over 3.3 million subscribers. As you can tell from iJustine's screen name, she is an Apple fanatic. 10.) Arm Wrestling with Shane Dawson / THE DIRTY SONG GAME with iJus...
Hello my name is Ryan and here is my little blog where I write about my favorite Youtubers, music, life updates, general favorites and just random bits that I want to write about! I try to upload a blog post every weekend, so I hope you enjoy!