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Another Q+A with Kya! ✨

Today my bestie Kya ( - @psychobabblefan) and I have decided we wanted to do another fun Q & A! We both sent each other 5 question to answer and here are the questions she asked me! Her blog in linked above and below so please go check out her blog too! 

1. What three main things make a good friend? And what are your favourite things to do with your friends?

Oh gosh this is a hard question! I think my number one thing that makes a good friend is that they are kind. Kindness is the number one thing in my heart. ❤️ Second would probably be understanding. A good friend will always try their best to be aware of and recognize others ideas, even if they don't agree. Lastly, would be the love of Starbucks! I don't feel I need to explain this... ☕️☕️☕️ Also my favorite activity to do with my friends is probably just to go downtown, get a coffee and do a little shopping. It's always fun to just relax and chat with your friends! 

2. What were your goals for this year? Did you achieve them? And what are your goals for next year?

I don't normally make goals for a year, but I think this year I really just wanted to earn better grades in school, study more often, and just feel better about my work. And I think I accomplished that! My grades are a lot better and I'm really understanding most of my class work which is awesome. My other goal for this year was to start writing a blog so... ✔️ Also, my goals for next year is to maintain good grades, go out and do more fun things with friends, and to stay positive and happy. Next year, and now, I really want to focus on that last one.

3. Aside from Perth Australia to visit me, where are five places you would love to travel to? 


I would love, love, love to travel to Australia especially Perth, but in the next 10 years I would like to travel to at least a few of these places: 

London, England 🇬🇧
Venice, Italy 🇮🇹
Rome, Italy 🇮🇹
Paris, France 🇫🇷
Nice or Montpellier, France 🇫🇷

So, basically a trip around Europe would be amazing. 


4. What are your five favourite songs 🎶 at the moment?

Closer - The Chainsmokers feat. Halsey
Starving - Hailee Steinfeld and Grey feat. Zedd
Hallelujah - Pentatonix 
Slumber Party - Britney Spears feat. Tinashe 
Winter Things - Ariana Grande

5. Also, how are you? How excited are you for your school break/Christmas? 🎄

Thanks Kya! I'm actually doing really well recently! Stressed about the end of the school semester, but good. I have a lot of projects, papers and tests in the next few weeks, so most of my time will be spent with that. But, yes I am excited for break! I will miss seeing my friends for a whole month, but some time without the constant worry of homework and studying will be fantastic!

Thanks for reading and I really hope you liked our Q & A! Here is the link to Kya's blog so you can go and check out the other half of our Q & A, where I asked the questions! -! Thanks again and I hope you are having a good November!

Ryan xx

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